Often, the animals in our lives are there for a reason, aside from companionship and having fun together.
I started seeing them as our teachers and healers, and much wiser than we humans are (which is true!), but this meant I put my cats on a pedestal. So I needed to be reminded by one of them (through a reading by Nicole Cimalla) that they have their own embodied nature as well: for instance as a comfortable cuddly cat, or as a playful dog who needs the security of his human being a confident leader.
This physical aspect of life is about all the embodied experiences that come with living life as a cat (or a dog or a horse et cetera) and feeling completely connected to everything around you. Hearing everyone’s thoughts, feeling their emotions, being deeply connected with the Earth and the elementals.
Us humans, WE have been growing up for many generations with the conditioning of NOT being connected to everything around us. But we are, too!
After much un-conditioning, we can open up the experience of feeling connected again. More and more people are awakening to such possibilities, and that is wonderful.

Once I asked for a teacher in my life. A friendly 14-year-old dog showed up a while later. I adopted him and introduced him into my household that included a few cats and … well, all my unconscious control patterns cheerfully showed up to be noticed and worked at.
In addition, of course, we had fun and it was great to see him enjoy the last 18 months of his life with me.
He was ready to leave his body the day after we moved my mother into a care home. A few months later, when her soul was preparing to leave her body, I was amazed and grateful to notice his lovely presence again on several occasions.

Telepathy / intuitive communication with animals and nature
Our animals communicate with us in various ways, and we can learn to communicate telepathically with them.
Here’s a list of resources and examples that will grow over time.
- Nicole Cimalla (in German or English) – dogmindacademy.thrivecart.com/grosse-nachricht/
- Laurie Reyon – www.lauriereyon.com
- Mirjam Diepenbrock (in Dutch or English) – animalsoul.academy/en/home-english
- Anna Breytenbach – www.animalspirit.org
- Penelope Smith – www.animaltalk.net
- Marta Williams – www.martawilliams.com