Animals / pets

Woman & Earth

Often, the animals in our lives are there for a reason, aside from companionship and having fun together.

I started seeing them as our teachers and healers, and much wiser than we humans are (which is true!), but this meant I put my cats on a pedestal. So I needed to be reminded by one of them (through a reading by Nicole Cimalla) that they have their own embodied nature as well: for instance as a comfortable cuddly cat, or as a playful dog who needs the security of his human being a confident leader.

This physical aspect of life is about all the embodied experiences that come with living life as a cat (or a dog or a horse et cetera) and feeling completely connected to everything around you. Hearing everyone’s thoughts, feeling their emotions, being deeply connected with the Earth and the elementals.

Us humans, WE have been growing up for many generations with the conditioning of NOT being connected to everything around us. But we are, too!
After much un-conditioning, we can open up the experience of feeling connected again. More and more people are awakening to such possibilities, and that is wonderful.

Once I asked for a teacher in my life. A friendly 14-year-old dog showed up a while later. I adopted him and introduced him into my household that included a few cats and … well, all my unconscious control patterns cheerfully showed up to be noticed and worked at.
In addition, of course, we had fun and it was great to see him enjoy the last 18 months of his life with me.

He was ready to leave his body the day after we moved my mother into a care home. A few months later, when her soul was preparing to leave her body, I was amazed and grateful to notice his lovely presence again on several occasions.

Telepathy / intuitive communication with animals and nature

Our animals communicate with us in various ways, and we can learn to communicate telepathically with them.
Here’s a list of resources and examples that will grow over time.


Woman & Earth

Monique van der Velde – holistic coach, shamanic teacher, healer (The Netherlands). I am very grateful for Monique’s guidance and healings for several years. Without them, I would not be where I am today in my awareness of how my ego tries to protect me by creating lots of distractions, and in my connection to the Earth.

Lucia René – mystic. Her work in liberating the Earth from the energetic chains of the rather painful patriarchical period we are leaving behind now is described in her book Unplugging the Patriarchy (2009). I highly recommend reading it. It’s both a great story and a course in mysticism.
On her website you can find great work study courses and a lot of other audio files that are accessible by donation, as well as interviews with women whom she cooperated with or who inspired her.

Click here to see an interview with Lucia René, by Elizabeth Wood (New Earth Conversations, 2020 – some time before the June Solstice).

Elizabeth Wysen (formerly: Elizabeth Wood) – seeer, anthropologist, mystic. Elizabeth is a student of Lucia René.
Check out her website for accessible webinars on – among others – cultural conditioning, DNA, Empaths & Entities.

Meg Archambauld – mystic. Meg is a student of Lucia René. If you need any assistance going forward, Meg’s warm voice creates a loving, transformative space for you to go deep. She definitely caught me in the act of quickly deflecting from what I needed to feel into.

Nalini Macnab – seeer, writer for Source. Nalini helped me prepare for the December Solstice 2024.

Leslie Temple-Thurston – in her book The Marriage of Spirit. Enlightened Living in Today’s World (2003), Leslie explains in clear terms how we can become aware of our unconscious patterns, so that they need no longer control our life. It is a great book to become aware of polarities and how our desires and fears shape(d) our experiences in life.
Click here for an extensive interview with Leslie Temple-Thurston.

Damien Wynne – is creating an amazing body of work about embodying the soul. His webinars are fields of deep transformation that you can return to again and again. You may want to check out one of his free webinars to find out his way of working. However, please realise that the webinars you pay for are more powerful and intense, because the participants are much more committed to working on themselves.
Among other topics, Damien explored in depth what the effects are of having a “vanishing twin”, i.e. a sibling that died in the womb while you survived and were born later on.

Clare DuboisTreeSisters was founded by Clare Dubois, and started in 2011. She did not know how she would be able to achieve what she set out to do, but at some point she took the first step, and then the next, and the next. She committed to inviting women from all over the world to support each other and rediscover our power (letting go of our conditioning that one is better than the other, that women are inferior to men, that to experience emotions and cry is a sign of weakness), to rediscover our intimate relationship with nature & our planet and with our own nature, and to support Mother Earth in healing herself by planting a huge amount of trees to reforest the tropics.
I am moved by her speeches and the powerful work that unfolded since she took that first step.

Being human

Woman & Earth

To me, “being human” means “being embodied consciousness”. This implies:

  • We live in a physical body, rather than being a physical body and nothing else.
  • We can experience emotions and we have a mind that we can use to analyse things. In addition to the physical body we have an emotional body and a mental body (and several other bodies).
  • We can experience our body as our own physical density AND we can become aware of more refined frequencies of consciousness while living life in a physical body.

  • In essence, we are our own particular part of consciousness (which you might call your “Universal Self” or “soul”), which has created a physical body on planet Earth (and with planet Earth) and which is interconnected with all other parts of consciousness. We are “consciousness incarnated into a human body on planet Earth”.
  • This means that all life forms around us – including other human beings, other animals, plants, the Earth, the other planets – all of these may seem to be separate from us, but they are not: this is just an illusion that we have been conditioned to believe in (see the note * below).
    Indigenous cultures from around the globe still reflect in their way of life that humans are not separate from the rest of nature and the Earth.
    Once you become aware of and acccustomed to more and more refined frequencies of consciousness, the illusion of separation falls away and you actually experience that everything comes from the same Source.
  • This also implies that death is a transition. The Universal Self leaves the body – and it may or may not reincarnate into another body for another round of experiences later on.
    Once you understand this, grieving for loved ones who died may still be painful and you may miss them a lot in your day-to-day physical world, but at least you know their souls are still following their own path.

To live life is to create your life

The inner garden

Innergarden, Photography, Woman & Earth

Andrea Gulickx and Jacinta Kogelman hosted an inspiring workshop called “Colour magic. Treasure hunting in the inner garden“, in a wonderful place in IJzendoorn, NL (Pluktuin IJzendoorn).

As I wanted to reconnect to the essence of flowers and plants as light-filled conscious creation, the picture below feels like a precious gift. I’m very grateful for this ‘image of the day’.

Some of the results: