Being human

Woman & Earth

To me, “being human” means “being embodied consciousness”. This implies:

  • We live in a physical body, rather than being a physical body and nothing else.
  • We can experience emotions and we have a mind that we can use to analyse things. In addition to the physical body we have an emotional body and a mental body (and several other bodies).
  • We can experience our body as our own physical density AND we can become aware of more refined frequencies of consciousness while living life in a physical body.

  • In essence, we are our own particular part of consciousness (which you might call your “Universal Self” or “soul”), which has created a physical body on planet Earth (and with planet Earth) and which is interconnected with all other parts of consciousness. We are “consciousness incarnated into a human body on planet Earth”.
  • This means that all life forms around us – including other human beings, other animals, plants, the Earth, the other planets – all of these may seem to be separate from us, but they are not: this is just an illusion that we have been conditioned to believe in (see the note * below).
    Indigenous cultures from around the globe still reflect in their way of life that humans are not separate from the rest of nature and the Earth.
    Once you become aware of and acccustomed to more and more refined frequencies of consciousness, the illusion of separation falls away and you actually experience that everything comes from the same Source.
  • This also implies that death is a transition. The Universal Self leaves the body – and it may or may not reincarnate into another body for another round of experiences later on.
    Once you understand this, grieving for loved ones who died may still be painful and you may miss them a lot in your day-to-day physical world, but at least you know their souls are still following their own path.

To live life is to create your life