There is a mass awakening on Earth, right now, as she evolves and facilitates more and more light to stream into our bodies. The path of awakening is a path of dissolving one illusion after another.
If you are reading this, you might be ready to give up some of your illusions.
Everything you think you know, about the world and about yourself, is basically a very limited and limiting perspective. Even that statement is an example of this.
In the western world we have been conditioned to believe that the mind should control the lifestream. That we need to understand our lives and the world around us logically. This is a very limited perspective. It is an impoverished way to live life.
The mind is an analytical tool, nothing more, and it is completely overwhelmed by the task to direct our lifestream.
For me, that was a tough pill to swallow, because my mind was my refuge and stronghold for a long time in this life.
Fortunately, I was given very clear and undeniable energetic experiences time and time again – so I had to change my worldview over and over again to include those experiences. Finally, I chose to surrender to not-knowing completely. I choose this liberation over and over again.

If you consider working with me, please know that I work from a perspective that is much wider than the mind can comprehend or grasp.
Are you really ready to give up your illusions, even about who you think you are?
Go ahead and choose a session.