The Earth has evolved so much in recent years, and the possibilities for our human consciousness have evolved with it (see for instance work by Lucia René, Elizabeth Wysen and Nalini MacNab). It’s not in the newspapers — not yet — but we are in a new field altogether now.
I am very curious how this provides us with a wider range of options for physical regeneration or ‘healing our physical body’.
Are you fed up with your longstanding health issues?
Are you ready to move forward and dissolve all ideas and identities that keep you in pain and in a restricted way of living?
Are you willing to give up all the advantages that being ill may have had for you? What are they? Honestly, make a list of those before you consider booking an Exploration session.
Are your ready & willing to give up everything you think you know?
Are you ready & willing to surrender completely?
If so, please consider having an Exploration session with me.
It does not involve natural or chemical “medication” to put into your body, or anything of the sort. It’s purely energetic.
You don’t have to pay anything – it’s not required beforehand, and not afterwards either.
An Exploration session is us asking Source to work through us in new ways we haven’t been aware of yet, and show us what’s possible now.
Both you and I have no clue what will happen in the session.
The focus of an Exploration session is a particular physical issue. This does NOT mean that the energies will only affect your physical body and nothing else! Energy ‘healing’ is always about all aspects of our human immersive experience, and is transmuting not just the physical body but also our emotions, our subtle bodies et cetera. All the aspects are in all ways interconnected.
Q: Paulien, if you don’t hold back in an Empowerment session, then how is an Exploration session different from an Empowerment session with a focus on physical issues?
A: Well, the scope of an Empowerment session is determined by the extent of your willingness to change. If you sign up for an Exploration session, YOU agree not to hold back either. So, for all we know, we might be cycling downhill very fast without any brakes, or jumping off a cliff without any safety nets in sight.
Are you as curious as I am?
Can you trust, like I do, that anything that comes from this is for the better?
Can you trust this, even if you initially feel your life is crashing down around you? (To be honest, it is crumbling down anyway, as all the old fear- & control- & external-authority-based structures will not survive this mass awakening to a wider consciousness.)
So this is the disclaimer for an Exploration session. Read it carefully.
You agree to enter completely unknown territory, as do I.
An Exploration session is about a complete surrender to Source, and there’s never any guarantee that it will work out as you personally desire.
In fact, you may find you are giving up one or more of your favourite identities and illusions in the process.
Exploration session, online session of about an hour
No payment required beforehand. No payment required afterwards.